Heart Walk DC

The Brillient Engagement and Service Team (BEST) participated in the American Heart Association Heart Walk in Washington, DC on Saturday. Led by our CEO, Sukumar Iyer, we walked the 3…

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Brillient Awarded $9M Technical and Administrative Contract with the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)

Reston, VA, September 26, 2018- Brillient Corporation has been awarded a $9M contract with The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) to provide technical services and administrative…

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Brillient Awarded $10M Professional and Management Services Contract at the Small Business Administration (SBA)

Reston, VA, July 27, 2018- Continuing its successful partnership with the US Small Business Administration (SBA), Brillient Corporation has been awarded a  single-award $10M Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) with a…

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Brillient CEO with the Director of Air Force Small Business Programs at Monthly AFCEA Small Business Committee Presentation

Brillient CEO and President, and AFCEA Small Business Committee Chair, Sukumar Iyer,  with Ms. Valerie Muck, a member of the Senior Executive Service, and Director of Air Force Small Business…

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Brillient CEO Poses with Industry Liaison for the DHS at a Monthly AFCEA Small Business Committee Presentation

Brillient CEO and President, and AFCEA Small Business Committee Chair, Sukumar Iyer, poses with Carla Thomas, the communications and industry liaison for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, at the…

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Brillient awarded $49M professional and technical services contract at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Reston, VA, March 3, 2018 – Brillient Corporation announced today that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has awarded the company a single award Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) with a…

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Brillient CEO Appointed NOVA Chapter Vice President of Worldwide Records Management Association

Brillient’s CEO, Sukumar Iyer, has been appointed as Vice President of the Northern Virginia Chapter of ARMA International (previously the Association of Records Managers and Administrators). In this position, Mr.…

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Brillient Corporation Commences Performance on $163M ROSS Prime Contract for U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services

Brillient Corporation (Brillient), a fast-growing provider of technology, business solutions and mission support services to the federal government, has commenced performance on a prime contract with the Department of Homeland…

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